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Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez, the meaning of Christmas


What is the meaning of Christmas? Today we would like to spend a few minutes thinking about it.

It is clear that Christians find in the Christmas the full meaning of their faith. They commemorate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth and all that goes with it. However, the meaning of Christmas goes beyond religious tradition. Whether we are Christians or not, we are likely to celebrate Christmas. Christmas with a lot of intensity, since it is one of the most important festivities in the world.

Many of the Christmas events are pagan, but that does not make them any less enjoyable, planned or experienced. illusion.

Chances are that you, who are now reading us, are thinking about the address that has for you the Christmas.

You may like this time of the year because it is very intense, in all senses: socially and commercially.

We are immersed in days of frenzy. We meet with friends, with family, with co-workers, with customers... It is Christmas and that shows in our social agenda. We consume a lot, it is true, but we do it with a lot of joy.

We think of those people who are important in our lives and we want to be with them, treat them to a special gift or invite them to a fantastic meal as a gesture of love and friendship.

Or maybe because of all this, precisely, you are a person who does not like the Christmas. Maybe you miss someone who is no longer around, or maybe you don't feel identified with the way most of us experience Christmas.

Marzipan Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez

Be that as it may, it is Christmas and since Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez we propose you to spend it in the sweetest way possible.

For our family, Christmas is the most important time of the year. We work 365 days to ensure that nothing goes wrong. So that those who choose us for their tables or the tables of their loved ones have the guarantee that they will get it right for sure.

That's why we invite you to take a walk through our online storenot only for you to buy, if you feel like it, but above all for you to get to know us better.

So that you know all the options of nougats and sweets that we put at your disposal and so that you also know the love and care with which we make them.

Christmas is so important to us that we don't skimp on anything. We want your family to be as cared for as ours, which is why, for more than 30 years, we have carefully chosen all the ingredients with which we make our products.

Ingredients such as Marcona almonds from the Mediterranean basin or wild orange and rosemary honey, collected in the Levantine mountains.

The same care that we put in the manufacture of our nougats we put in the satisfaction of our customers. You are the most important thing for us: it is not enough for us that you enjoy a good product or that you give a good gift, we also want to remain in your memory, because only good things remain forever.

This is for Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez the true meaning of Christmas.


Toasted yolk nougat Delicatessen Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez


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