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Almond and honey. A combination that goes beyond nougat

Almond and honey desserts

Almond y honey. The nougat would not be what it is without these two ingredients, as they make up its essence and are the basis of its most traditional and artisanal recipe.

But not only in the nougat These two products offered by nature (one grows on trees and the other is produced by bees) are essential. There are also many sweets and desserts whose mellow and smooth taste comes from the combination of almonds and honey.

At Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez we don't just want you to enjoy these ingredients in the form of nougat. That's why we are going to show you some sweet recipes for you to enjoy right now, even though we have our eyes (and palate) set on the approaching Christmas.

Almond and honey energy pellets

These balls are the perfect choice when you need a quick energy boost. The mixture of crushed almonds and honey provides a delicious and healthy snack.

Dessert with fresh fruits

Surprise your palate with a refreshing dessert. Toasted almonds and honey enhance the flavor of fresh fruits, creating an irresistible combination.

Flan with caramel 

This flan is a true delicacy. The softness of the almond meets the honey caramel to create an unforgettable dessert.

Crunchy cookies

Enjoy the crunchy texture of cookies with the touch of chopped almonds and the sweetness of honey. The perfect accompaniment to your favorite beverage.

Sponge cake

The sponginess and moistness of this cake are due to the combination of almond and honey. A pleasure for dessert lovers.

Creamy milkshake

Experience the creamy and nutritious milkshake flavor with the smoothness of almond and the natural sweetness of honey. A delicious option for any time of the day.

From Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez, we want these last months of 2023 to be even sweeter with these exceptional desserts. Discover the versatility and the unique taste that the almond and the honey can contribute to your life.



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