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Portioned nougat: the snack to take to the office


Conscious eating has become a way of life for those who want to take care of themselves.
Show that you your diet matters says a lot about you, as you will improve your health, image and self-esteem.

A good time to take care of yourself is now: the first days of September, the end of the vacations for many people, and the return to routine.

And even if we are mentally fresher (leaving aside the hackneyed post-holiday syndrome), it is time to deal with schedules and the return to the office.
Back to eat in a balanced way is one of the main challenges, especially for those who are not lucky enough to be able to do it at home.

The 'tuper' with a good variety of salads, vegetables, legumes, lean meats or fish is the most common solution.
But men (and women) don't live by meals alone, since mid-morning is necessary to regain strength for the final stretch, until lunchtime.

It is usual to consume snacks, candies, caffeinated soft drinks, etc. and products that generally raise the bad" cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, due to their high levels of trans fats, and which lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, among other serious ailments.

In this case, it is better to opt for a healthy snackWhether it is a piece of fruit, a dairy product or a sandwich on whole wheat bread, a handful of nuts is also highly recommended. Of course, a handful of nuts is also highly recommended.

These healthier snacks can be varied according to the day, and in Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez we'll add you one more: Our nougat portions varied.
You can find them in category Premium or DelicatessenThey are an unbeatable reason to take care of yourself without sacrificing taste and quality.

It is about pocket power ready to eat and does not need a refrigerator. Just remember to keep them in your purse or in a drawer at the office and... done!
As an example, the portion of Jijona nougat has more than 60% of roasted almonds and 12% of honey.
The tandem of nuts and the precious liquid gold of the bees will provide you with carbohydrates, a better vital tone and a powerful natural antibiotic to prevent possible deficiency states in autumn or winter.

Also we recommend that you eat slowlyIf possible, replace coffee with some infusion and get some fresh air, taking a short walk while you enjoy your well-deserved morning rest, as a kind of recreation.
We hope that your healthy snack moment will generate increased productivity and success at work. Because you can also enjoy our exquisite turrones at the office.


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