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Nougat in autumn


This season inspires us with its brown colors, with that melancholic image... That's why we take nougat in autumn is a fantastic idea.

It is a classic, traditional product, with a flavor that can be enjoyed in the tranquility of the home. But also in the quiet environment of nature.

Christmas is not, therefore, the exclusive time for nougat. Not anymore, although it is undoubtedly when we enjoy them the most. Basically, because we always do it surrounded by many people. Above all, our loved ones. Many of them, moreover, we do not see often throughout the year.

Precisely, that is why in autumn we advise you to enjoy nougat in small company. More in the intimacy of a small group. And even, simply, with oneself.

How can we take advantage of nougat in autumn?

When it comes to taste, any of them is ideal for this season. But, preferably, we bet on the most classic ones, those that are very much of our terreta.

Of course, we are talking about the Alicante nougat and that of Jijona. Those that make up our hallmark. The sum of almonds and honey mixed according to the recipes of our ancestors.

Where can we enjoy nougat in an autumn atmosphere? If it is not raining, the mountains or the countryside are the most idyllic landscapes. With the murmur of the soft wind and the leaves covering the ground.

It is a very attractive sight. Better than what many cities offer us, that instead of the sound of birds give us the noise of cars and traffic. And the smell of pollution.

In the catalog of Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez you can see some of the turrones that you can enjoy this time of the year:

And as an extra, the roasted yolk.

Enjoy these turrones in autumn. Well abrigad@ and with the desire to breathe fresh air.


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