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Father's Day 2024. A day to remember with chocolates and sweets.


There are dates that should never be forgotten, and should be marked with fire in the calendar. Undoubtedly, the Father's Day 2024 is one of them. An occasion in which, through a gift, you show the greatest affection to your parent. On this occasion, it will be the chocolates and candies those who will shape the present that you will give in hand next March 19.

 Why give candies and chocolates? There are other moments to surprise with more, let's say, material things. And we're not just talking about birthdays, but also Christmas. Perfect occasions to give clothes, mobiles, books, etc.

 They are undoubtedly magnificent gifts, but for a date as significant as the Father's DayWe firmly believe that it is better to surprise with something that awakens the sense of taste. With a gastronomic detail that, without being excessively expensive, has as much or more value than the material.

 Great memories are always associated with moments when we are savoring something. We are Mediterranean, we can't help it.

 As we are close to the Father's Dayfrom Pablo Garrigós Ibáñez we will save you the search for chocolates and candies. Leave this in our hands:

Chocolates and candies for Father's Day 2024

What do you prefer? See how many options you have available in our catalog:



Strawberry and chocolate bonbons

vintage chocolate chocolates strawberry and chocolate fondant


Kumquat orange and chocolate chocolates

Kumquat and chocolate fondant


Almond chocolates

Gourmet products. Almond chocolates


Chocolate Moments

Chocolate Moments


Lemon & Caramel Chocolate Vintage

Lemon Caramel Chocolate

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